I had the pleasure earlier this year to photograph Michigan Central Station as well as Corktown and Mexicantown for the BBC in a story they were writing about the impact of Ford Motor Company’s purchase of the Detroit landmark. It was fun revisiting a place I had frequented many times as an aspiring photographer in the mid aughts, although this time I was in the building legally. The place is abuzz with activity and I, like many Detroiters, are excited to see this place reimagined for Ford and the surrounding community. The Article was only able to include a small portion of the image I took for the BBC so I decided to blog some of my favorites, many of which did not make the cut.
Thanks to Jonathan Marcus and Lowell Boileau for including me. Please be sure to check out the article here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/KnxBMVGAcn/michigan_central_detroit